Characterization is the fundamental activity for mapping and identifying possible sources of Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM), ideal for planning remediation and demolition activities without losing sight of costs.
PFAS contamination: MITENI case study
PFAS are compounds that have a negative impact on the environment. Since 2021 ZULBERTI S.r.l. deals with the environmental monitoring of the MITENI Site, carrying out works that limit its effects on the environment.
Groundwater Sampling
Groundwater sampling aims to collect water aliquots, on which chemical analyses will be performed in order to learn about the water chemical-physical state.
Brownbag: Environmental Due Diligence as a key tool to support real estate transactions and corporate acquisitions
Environmental Due Diligence is the array of activities to be performed before acquiring an asset with the aim of identifying environmental liabilities and risks.
Contamination maps: soil analysis’ new horizon
Contamination maps are graphic products aimed at representing pollutants’ spread and concentration.
Uncontrolled landfill: restoring works combined with riverbed reshaping
Our team peculiarity consists of combining knowledge from different professional figures into a single project. This ability led us to carry out a project that has been made of three different interventions: urban waste confining, riverbed reshaping and complete environmental restoration fulfilling.
Environmental and geophysical investigations in an uncontrolled landfill
Our team combined environmental investigation and geophysical surveys, succeeding in performing a complete analysis on this site. This allowed us to understand wastes characteristic and distribution on site, key knowledge that will be used for planning future slope restoring projects.
How to manage unexpected issues
It’s not uncommon, during public infrastructures construction in low urbanized areas, coming across waste findings or contaminated soils.
This happening occurred…
Interbrennero SpA
Our client commissioned an environmental survey to detect hypothetic problems related to any kind of soil or groundwater pollution. Our client’s final aim was the construction of an industrial building in the norther area of Trento, named Interporto.